After I completed my bike trip I found a lot of the same questions popping up, so I thought I’d include them here. If you have any others, please feel free to leave a comment below!
I was cycling for roughly 4 months.
When searching for camping sites, backtracking and long-cuts are factored in, the figure rose above 4000km.
Ireland(!), France, Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Serbia.
The majority of nights were spent in a tent. In Ljubljana I stayed with friends in an apartment, and in Bosnia people were often nice enough to invite me into their homes.
I wouldn’t say so. If you’ve ever gone for a bike ride before, and gone camping before, then you’re basically just doing both of those two things repeatedly. You don’t have to cycle a long distance in a day if you don’t feel like it!
Cork to Cape Town, or perhaps South America – the winter will be spent gathering funds and deciding! I would love to ultimately find some work in the adventure world, and I’ve just ordered myself a video camera with the intention of producing a documentary about my next adventure.